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學(xué)校以 “立學(xué)中華,語(yǔ)通世界”為辦學(xué)理念,堅(jiān)持“文理并重,外語(yǔ)特色鮮明”的辦學(xué)思路,以 “為學(xué)生發(fā)展奠基,為民族未來(lái)負(fù)責(zé)”為指導(dǎo)思想,以培養(yǎng)“具有民族情懷、世界胸襟的高素質(zhì)現(xiàn)代中國(guó)人”為學(xué)生培養(yǎng)目標(biāo),以“特色立校、科研興校、文化浸校、國(guó)際化強(qiáng)?!睘榘l(fā)展策略,以“學(xué)生首選、校風(fēng)溫潤(rùn)、特色鮮明、質(zhì)量高強(qiáng)的全國(guó)一流名?!睘閷W(xué)校發(fā)展目標(biāo),制定了學(xué)?!笆濉卑l(fā)展規(guī)劃。






2018年王彥臻獲第19屆亞洲物理學(xué)奧林匹克競(jìng)賽金牌。英語(yǔ)特色,亮點(diǎn)不斷。 2015年CCTV希望之星英語(yǔ)電視大賽上,分獲高初中組全國(guó)冠軍。2016、2018年獲美國(guó)十項(xiàng)全能中國(guó)區(qū)冠軍、國(guó)際太空城市設(shè)計(jì)大賽中國(guó)區(qū)決賽的冠、亞軍。



成都外國(guó)語(yǔ)學(xué)校,以其突出的成績(jī),廣泛的影響力,享譽(yù)巴蜀、蜚聲全國(guó)。被社會(huì)、媒體、學(xué)生、家長(zhǎng)譽(yù)為“中國(guó)西部民辦教育的旗艦” “培育盛世英才的搖籃,通向五洲四海的橋梁”。



Chengdu Foreign Languages School

Chengdu Foreign Languages School (CFLS), founded in 1989, is the first middle school featuring in teaching foreign languages with the approval of the Education Department of Sichuan Province and has been nominated by the Ministry of Education as a foreign languages school to recommend its graduates to universities without taking part in the college entrance examination (there are only 16 foreign languages schools nominated nationwide and CFLS is the only one in Sichuan Province).

 CFLS has been given the title as National Experimental School of Nurturing Top-notch and Creative Talents (there are six in the whole province), national advanced unit for safety education, the Sample School of Curriculum Reforming in Sichuan Province , model unit of school spirit in Sichuan Province, advanced group of private education in Sichuan Province, experimental school of psychological health education in Chengdu, model school of sunshine sports in Chengdu and model school for construction of school culture in Chengdu, leading private education in Sichuan Province.

The school covers an area of 220 mu (1 mu≈666.67 m2), consisting of more than 650 teaching staff, 450 full-time teachers, 116 classes and over 6500 students. School offers four foreign languages courses: English, Japanese, French and German, established middle school, senior high school and international department.

The school has the first-class culture, the first-class management, the first-class teachers, the first-class courses, the first-class classrooms and the first-class quality, making its every effort to build a safe, harmonious, elite, humane and efficient CFLS.

The school’s philosophy is "Rooted in China, Branch out the World",adhering to schooling idea of “equally emphasizing on arts and science, featuring in foreign language characteristics”.

Its aim is to “cultivate high-quality modern Chinese people with world vision and national conscience”. Its development strategy is “building the school with characteristics, developing the school with scientific research, promoting the school with culture, and strengthening the school with internationalization”. 

And its goal of development is “becoming one of the nation’s first-class schools that students will choose first with warm school spirit, distinctive characteristics and high quality”. 

According to these, the school makes a “thirteen-five” plan. The school fully carries out the education policy of the nation and thoroughly makes efforts to promote quality education. 

It builds Four School-based Curriculum Systems --- the National Conscience Course, the World Vision Course, the Quality Improvement Course and the Practice and Innovation Course-with the goal of training students, keeping a firm grasp on “Six First-Class”, emphasizing on the implement of “two courses, one education”, establishing a unique school culture and spirit, speeding the process of the school’s internationalization.

 It also emphasizes on international academic activities, opens international cooperative channels, teaches non-general languages and sets up a platform for students going aboard or being recommended by elite universities inland, accelerating the improvement of school’s teaching quality and making the school become the first-class school of our country.

CFLS makes steps consistently and creates brilliant performance. Till now, CFLS has already cultivated 12 students who came top in liberal arts or science in 18 college entrance examinations in the province or in Chengdu, 4 of whom in the recent three years.

 Its rate of graduates to first-class Chinese universities is about 90%, and its enrollment rate keeps 100% every year. Of provincial top 100 students, there are 20 students of the school on average; and there are about 5 students of the school in provincial top 10 students. The number of recommended students to key universities of China is more than 100 every year, taking up 80% of the provincial total number. 

Every year, due to the school’s outstanding students, some domestic first-class universities, such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, and People’s University and so on, all give the school “Privilege of Principal Real-name Recommendation”. 

The achievements of go-aboard graduates are so great that hundreds of CFLS students have been admitted to world-famous universities, many to Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, Cornell, Dartmouth, Columbia and other universities with full scholarship.

 So far, CFLS students have been admitted by Ivy League Universities with full or high scholarship for ten consecutive years and CFLS also has become a senior school whose students have been admitted by all eight universities of The Ivy League. 

Surprisingly, in subject competition, a total of more than 5000 people won national awards. In recent 3 years, there are over 60 students just from senior school winning the first prize of national competition. There are also excellent performances in English Characteristics. 

In CCTV “Star of Outlook” English Competition of 2015, our students won both the first prize of junior school group and of senior school group. 2016 is a fruitful year, our students won the champion of China in the United States Academic Decathlon(USAD) and won the first prize and the second prize in Space Settlement Design Competition China. 

In the National Minority Language Skills Competition, one of the school students got the first in German and two won the first prize; one got the third in French and three won the first prize. And one student got full mark in the TOEFL test, breaking the record of Sichuan.

What’s more, our school has been awarded Excellent Organization several times in National Model United Nations Conference for High School Students. At present, our students has the multiple choice of “Coming in a door, getting out through3”.

Thanks to its brilliant achievement and wide influence, CFLS becomes famous in Sichuan Province and in the whole country. And it has been praised as “the flagship school of private education in western China” and “the cradle of elites, the bridge to the world”. 

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